the concept of family in my eyes

There is no special answer the simple question above. Family is the blood of people with us. Father, mother, sister, brother, and so on. For the scope of the absurd, the family is the people we love and love us. Having an intact family is a blessing that is often missing from our sense of gratitude. Perhaps I am including the one inside.

Saturday (20 / 2), I was watching Ceriwis Pagi Manis on Trans TV. Are not deliberately, I moved the channel. It was at 9.55, meaning the show would've done. There is another Panda rated birthday surprised by Pampam, Ruben, also Bekti. She was taken to the pound toddler who did not have a family. Panda celebrated with a box of birthday cake candles in the home also was. Panda was crying because she remembering her family. He was grateful still have a family, because he had seen those kids dont have that opportunity.

i felt .. Deggggggggg!

ALLAH! I still have mom, father, faisal. Intact. Was complete. Although sometimes, I had negative thinking and less grateful. I know maybe my parents loves me, girls only in a different way. I am grateful, ALLAH SWT reminds me by hands of others. I realized that so many people outside there wasn't lucky as me.

And so that day I feel like this heart felt relieved.

Semarang, End of February 2010.

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